Embracing Culinary Adventure: A Tale of Judging Two Unfamiliar Salads at a Food 52 Tournament of Salads

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

In the realm of culinary exploration, there's a thrill in venturing beyond the familiar, a joy in discovering new flavors, and an excitement in crafting dishes that tantalize the taste buds and ignite the senses. Recently, I had the pleasure of embarking on such an adventure as a judge in a tournament of salads hosted by Food 52. Little did I know, I would find myself immersed in a world of creativity, innovation, and gustatory delight.

As I started the judging process, a bracket of two salad recipes awaited me, each recipe had vibrant ensemble of ingredients I had never paired together before in salad form. Excitement coursed through me as I anticipated the culinary journey ahead. This, I thought to myself, is what it means to truly savor the art of cooking.

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

The first salad " The Source Aware Salad", beckoned with hues of rainbow colors, its centerpiece a mix of pine nuts and sesame seeds nestled amidst crisp greens, sliced carrots, beets, celery, red cabbage, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, avocado  and alfalfa sprouts drizzle with a delicious  lemon dill vinaigrette.  

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

As I took my first bite, a symphony of flavors unfolded on my palate - the tartness of the vinaigrette danced with the sweetness of carrots and beets, while the freshness of the greens  and crunchiness of of nuts and seeds provided a crisp backdrop. It was a revelation, a testament to the endless possibilities that arise when one dares to experiment with ingredients.

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

Source Aware Salad, click:  HERE

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

But the adventure did not end there. On the other plate lay a creation that defied convention, a kaleidoscope of textures and tastes that deftly blended all elements, " Nancy's Chopped Salad", Radicchio mingled with iceberg lettuce,  thinly sliced red onion, pepperonccinni peppers added a satisfying crunch, while the unexpected presence of soft chick peas, aged provolone,  Genoa salami and well seasoned cherry tomatoes with a drizzle of oregano-infused vinaigrette tied it all together in a harmonious medley of flavors. With each bite, I found myself transported to a realm of culinary bliss, where every ingredient sang in perfect harmony.

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

Here you can find Nancy's Chopped Salad: Click: HERE

As I reflected on the experience, I couldn't help but marvel at the importance of embracing creativity in the kitchen. Cooking, after all, is not merely about following recipes - it's about allowing oneself to be swept away by the magic of experimentation, to revel in the joy of discovery, and to infuse every dish with a touch of one's own unique flair.

Here you can watch a video on how I make the oregano vinaigrette. 

Moreover, I realized the importance of engaging all five senses while cooking. From the slicing of vegetables hitting the cutting board to the aroma of herbs wafting through the air, each sensory experience adds depth and richness to the cooking process, transforming it from a mundane task into a sensory feast.

Tournaments of salads, Food 52 salads recipes, salad recipe, salads, summer salads, best salad recipes, chopped salad,  vinaigrette recipe, oregano vinaigrette recipes, evoo, pizza salad recipe, olive oil recipes

In the end, the true beauty of cooking lies not only in the flavors that grace our plates but in the journey that brings them to life. So, I urge you, fellow culinary adventurers, to step boldly into the kitchen, to embrace the unknown, and to savor every moment of the cooking process. For in doing so, you may just discover a world of flavors waiting to be explored, one delectable bite at a time.